Fundraising Ideas for Your Next Virtual Event

Will Montgomery
Published on | 
March 11, 2021
Fundraising Ideas for Your Next Virtual Event

As a nonprofit, one of the things that you think about is fundraising events. However, with COVID-19 still present in many areas, 33% of employees find themselves working remotely.

You might be wondering how you and your team should move forward with fundraising when you're not in the office? We've found the perfect solution for you.

Below you're going to find a list of fundraising ideas that will help you throw your next virtual event without missing a beat.

Live-Stream Party

What's better than inviting potential donors to a virtual party where they get to hear about an amazing opportunity to give? Before the event begins, take the time to incorporate different elements, both visual and auditory, that will make the event engaging and fun for everyone involved.

It also helps if you provide an update about what you've raised and other information that donors find important to know. The potential donors you invite to the event will be happy to engage with others virtually the same way they would if you were hosting an in-person gala.

Besides, it beats reading an email asking you to donate without having the chance to engage in conversation with the people who are asking you to help their cause. If you want to take it a step further, you could send the list of attendees a basket of goodies to enjoy together during the event.

Host a Webinar Session

The purpose of a webinar is to demonstrate a product or provide more detail about the cause that you're fundraising for. During the webinar, you can open the chat box to any questions that donors might have for people that are speaking.

Because you're conducting a virtual event, ensure that you keep things simple and short. If you spend too much time going into detail, you might lose your audience, and during a virtual event losing your audience could mean losing a donor.

If you're not sure how a webinar can help you reach all your fundraising goals or others set for your nonprofit, there are resources you can use. Tons of resources or articles that can help you take control of your donor journey and get the outcome you're looking for.

Host a 5k

While everyone won't be able to gather and run in the same place for the 5k, that doesn't mean you can't host it. The way to host a virtual 5k is to have participants sign up the way they would for an in-person marathon.

Once they've signed up and committed their donation gift to the fundraiser, send them a basket that is filled with things like t-shirts, headbands, and water bottles.

These are some of the items you would normally handout during an in-person race. Then, have the participants track their mile progress and enter it on a database provided on the website.

Everyone participating will be able to see who crosses that finish line first, virtually, of course.

Peer Fundraising

If you're finding it challenging to get everyone to commit to a specific date and time, the next best thing is peer fundraising. Have your team fundraise on an individual basis and log their donations collected so the entire team can see.

Provide a deadline for the team in which the peer fundraising race will close. Whichever team member has collected the most donations by the deadline will win some sort of bonus on their next check or another prize.

Healthy competition is always a great way to get those collaborative juices flowing amongst the team.

Host a Virtual Gala

Who doesn't love getting dressed up for an event? Challenge your top donors to cook specific snacks for the event and get dressed in their finest to be honored during the virtual meeting.

Once the meeting begins, take time to again inform everyone of your cause and thank them for the donations they've provided as your virtual campaigns have continued. This is also a wonderful time to present awards for the top honors to your top donors.

Even if everyone doesn't take the time to cook every snack on the list you've emailed to them, it's still a fun change of pace for everyone. It also allows you to acknowledge and thank those donors who have responded to your companies need to make a change.

Comedy Night

If you're looking to take a more relaxed approach to fundraising, one way to do that is to host a comedy night. You can hire a standup comedian to perform virtually for the event.

During the night, when the comedian(s) are taking a break, take those moments to remind everyone why you're attending the event. If you wish, you can collect money for tickets ahead of the event and send out a link during the event where people can make donations as the night progresses.

Exercise for a Cause

Exercising is a wonderful way to get in shape and raise money for awareness at the same time. When staying indoors seems to be driving everyone crazy, taking time to release some stress through a workout is a wonderful idea.

Send out a link to potential participants about joining a virtual exercise or yoga class. Spend time together sweating away the stress while raising money at the same time.

This can also be turned into a peer fundraiser by having team members sign up people they know that will commit to being a part of the exercise class.

Wine Night

Sometimes all people need is one night a week to mingle with others and talk. If you're hosting a wine night for your organization, have everyone grab a glass of their favorite beverage and get ready to join in some interactive virtual games.

This gives you time to laugh, talk to donors about fundraising updates they might find interest in, fundraising more funds, and unwind with others. If the wine night is a success, you might relay to donors that you're going to make it a monthly event where they can mingle and enjoy the presence of others from the safety of their own homes.

Food Drive

Food banks like Feeding America fed 40 million people before the pandemic, and now they are struggling to feed even more. If the purpose of your nonprofit is to provide meals or other resources to the community a food drive is the perfect solution to your fundraising needs.

Create a page where people can see how much food is being donated and view videos of the families receiving their donations.

During the food drive event, you should also provide information for donors to let them know where they can drop their donations off.

Pet Event

People love their pets, and they love showing them off to others. Host an event where everyone gets to put their furry friend on display and see everyone else's pet.

Try to make things fun by having people show their pets talents or dress them up in fun costumes. As people are having fun with their pets and slip in reminders to donate during the event amongst all the fun.

BTS Tour

People love hearing about the cause you're fundraising for, but it's not often that they get to go behind the scenes and see how everything works. If you don't mind, you can host a virtual event where donors can take a tour through the organization.

Detail for them how each department works for the benefit of the cause. When people are given a deeper understanding of how something works and the different processes to achieve the result, it increases the likelihood that they will donate.

It also adds value to your organization and a level of transparency that donors will appreciate. It lets donors know that you want them to be apart of the complete experience your nonprofit has to offer.

Fundraising Ideas: Nothing Can Stop You

There are several fundraising ideas we've provided above. You could host a gala night where you express appreciation for those that have been top donors throughout the campaign season, or you could host a wine night where donors get to mingle and unwind with each other.

If you're struggling to increase engagement from your donors, there's a solution, contact Rally Corp. We know what it takes to get the most out of donors while helping you achieve the goals you've set for your team to achieve.

What are you waiting for? Request a demo and let us show you how Rally Corp can be put to work for you.