Capture Donor Intent in the Moment

James Martin
Published on | 
December 15, 2019
Capture Donor Intent in the Moment
Texting improves your chances of connecting 12x over just emailing, and 9 out of 10 people prefer texting over email and calls.

This is how to capture donor intent in three easy steps.

  1. Use a simple 5-digit number to capture donations when speaking at an event, during a broadcast, or on Facebook Live.
  2. Or add a mobile phone field to your website and automatically send a text when the form is submitted.
  3. And when you are ready, reply 1:1 or let the Rally Platform automatically send prompts or messages to move your donors along in their development journey.

Schedule a short demo here. We'll walk you through all the ways you can use Rally to capture donor intent and keep the conversation going.