[Resource] The 10x Campaign Planner for Nonprofits™

James Martin
Published on | 
October 1, 2021
[Resource] The 10x Campaign Planner for Nonprofits™

Here is a simple campaign planner we've built for internal use, and we want to share it with you.

First, get your copy, and then follow the steps below.


1. Under File above, Export to Excel or Save a Copy to your Google Account

2. Update the Options & Codes tab (last tab) with your data and team

3. Add your campaigns and key dates to the Campaign Planner tab

4. Use the Campaign Planner Posting Schedule and Tasks tabs to plan and execute your campaigns

5. Send us feedback and ideas on how we can make this resource more helpful for you, just email contact@rallycorp.com

Need help planning your next campaign? We are happy to share ways we've seen others implement mobile and get results. Just book a consultation call here.

Bonus: Signup for one of our upcoming Webinars and Workshops, and we'll show you how we help charities and causes like you increase campaign engagement by 300%

You can access your copy by completing the form below.