Mobile First: A Strategy for Nonprofits to Connect With Donors

Kevin D. Hendricks
Published on | 
May 11, 2022
Mobile First: A Strategy for Nonprofits to Connect With Donors

If you want to be in someone’s pocket, close to their wallet, or next to their heart, mobile is where it’s at. Everything happens on mobile devices today, so that’s where your nonprofit needs to be. 

97% of American professionals are within 3 feet of their mobile devices 24 hours a day, and they look at their phone 344 times a day. 

If you want to connect with them, you need to do it on their device.

Mobile First

You need to make sure everything you do is mobile friendly, including two big areas:

  • Email: 62% of emails are opened on mobile devices. So even email is going mobile.
  • Websites: Your website absolutely needs to be mobile optimized. How easy is it to donate to your nonprofit from a phone?

Texting Is the Best Channel

While everything is moving to mobile, the best channel to connect with people on mobile devices is text messaging. Why?

Three reasons:

  1. Stats are huge: Texting sees incredible open rates (90-95% on texting vs. 30-35% on email). Click thrus rates are also high and there’s a low opt out rate.
  2. Nothing to install: Getting people to install an app is a big step and a lot of work. But you don't have to do any of that with texting.
  3. It's immediate: The average person replies to an SMS message in 90 seconds. A response via email can take 90 minutes.

Mobile First With Rally

Rally is a mobile platform designed to help you connect with your donors. We’d love to talk with you about mobile first and see if Rally can help. Schedule a call and let’s address your mobile questions.

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