Busy doesn’t cut it. Nonprofit staff are swamped. There’s a million things to do and just one of you. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could replicate yourself? Maybe you can with a viral loop.
What: A viral loop is a new feature from Rally that makes it easy to empower your supporters to share your message.
Why: A viral loop activates your biggest supporters, enabling them to spread your message for you. It can save you time, plus that kind of authentic sharing is more effective.
How a Viral Loop Works
- It starts with a trigger: A supporter makes a donation or signs up to support your cause.
- Then they automatically (that’s the magic word for replicating yourself!) get a short intro message or a video sent to their phone.
- Ready for the viral part? It includes a link they can use to share a pre-written message with friends in their phone’s contacts. Easy-peasy.
- Every friend who signs up or makes a donation also gets a link to share. Let the looping begin.
It’s a Big Win
A viral loop can work well for any organization stretched thin because it taps into your supporters. These are folks who already support your cause. They’re big fans. They believe in your cause and want to see you succeed.
So asking them to share your message is an easy win.
Then the fact that Rally makes it easy for them to share a message, and for their friends to repeat the process, is an even bigger win.
How to Make the Most of a Viral Loop
Let’s be real: Just because it’s called a viral loop doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to go viral. It’s a mechanism that makes it easy to share and easy to spread.
You still have to provide the heart and soul of the message. Something that tugs at emotions and yearns to be shared.
Here are some tips to make it work:
- Emotion: Why do we care? Give it some depth and weight. Maybe it tugs at the heart strings or makes people laugh.
- Urgency: Why now? If people are going to share it right now, there needs to be a reason why. Emergency need, matching gift, pledge deadline, etc.
- Simple: Don’t overcomplicate it. Explain the need, make an ask.
Viral Loop on the Rally Platform
The viral loop is built into the Rally platform. Learn more about how Rally can help you connect. Book a demo now to see it in action.