CharityEngine: 5 Ways to Make Mobile a Strategy

Kevin D. Hendricks
Published on | 
March 1, 2023
CharityEngine: 5 Ways to Make Mobile a Strategy

Rally founder James Martin talks with CharityEngine about the power of a mobile strategy. 

More than just another tool, mobile should be a strategy: “Using mobile to play a long game of donor retention and reduce friction when it comes to acquisition.”

Many nonprofits use text-to-donate and send text messages to their supporters. But more than that, mobile needs to be baked into your marketing strategy.

We’ve seen the mobile stats. We’ve talked about the insane amount of scrolling the average person does. All that adds up to the need to be mobile first.

“This article isn’t suggesting a massive overhaul of your plan. It’s suggesting you look at what you’re already doing and work mobile into it. If you’re planning an event, use mobile for registration and check-in. If you’re sending a mass email, text the highlights of the email to the same audience.”

How to Make a Mobile Strategy

James shares five tips to make a mobile strategy with CharityEngine:

  1. Make it easy to sign up and donate from their phones.
  2. Use texts to boost other communication channels.
  3. Warm your list, send at the right time, track results, and maximize what works.
  4. Keep it personal and relevant.
  5. Make it engaging with multimedia.

Read the full post for more details and insights.

“You must be in front of someone many times before they act, so don’t give up. If they haven’t responded by your fifth touch (and they haven’t unsubscribed), keep going.”

Rally can help you keep going by making sure the process is human-centered and you’re not just spamming folks (never a good idea). Be human by using our sentiment process to respond, keywords and tags to segment your audience, link tracking to monitor results, and more.